Transportation Schedule by Employee

Job Name Time On Employees
Sandhills Day Crew Thursday 10/17 at 21:00h – pending CSX Unit Train Arrival Anthony Dickson, Seth Furr, etc
Sandhills Night Crew 8am Thursday 10/17 Oakboro
Piedmont 8am Oakboro

Contact Us

For Emergencies: 877-533-6913
Main Office: 910-974-4219
Fax: 910-974-4282
967 NC Hwy 211 E
Candor, NC 27229

Featured Photos

1. Photo must be a TIFF, JPEG, JPG, or PNG file.
2. Write an email to with the photo file attached and the following:
    a. Subject of email: What the photo will be named in the Box
    b. Body of email: Anything written in the body that is not prefaced with a hashtag will become a comment on the file in Box.
    c. Body of email: To place a tag or tags on the photo in the box, preface it with a hashtag.
3. Send the email.